At, you can turn in your old cell phone for cash. Also, go for a financial windfall and see if you have any old phones lying around in your home that you can sell to us. It really doesn’t have to be the latest iPhone or Samsung models, even the iPhone 8 we are happy to buy from you.
Did you know that you contribute to a better environment by handing in your old mobile phone for money? If we buy your old mobile phone, your and other devices will be refurbished. Which means that your old mobile phone, after checking and any necessary repairs, will be reused. And it can be used for a few more years.
Select your make and model and calculate the value instantly.
Gather your old devices together and see what turning in an old mobile phone for cash can get you. It works very simply. Assess the current state of the mobile phone(s). Tip: to properly identify damage, we recommend holding the device under a bright lamp, this will make even the smallest scratches more visible. Have you completed all the questions? Then you will immediately see the estimated value of your old mobile phone. Do you agree with the valuation? Then you can hand in your old mobile phone for cash. Send it to us free of charge and we will check it immediately upon receipt. Upon mutual approval, we will deposit the amount into your account within 24 hours.
We find it important to focus on sustainability as a company. That’s why we partner with If people hand in their old mobile phones to us for money, 1 tree will be planted. As a result, we not only contribute to less electronic pollution, but also to a greener world. And a world where less pollution and cleaner air are central is one that we can proudly pass on to the next generations.
So do you have old cell phones lying around? Collect them and turn them in, not only for the money but also for sustainability. Have questions about turning in your old cell phone for cash or want more information? If so, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.